What is supplemental insurance?

Supplemental insurance helps cover the gaps of your current health coverage. Whether planned or by surprise, supplemental insurance can help ease the financial burden of your healthcare costs.

  • Extended illness
  • Out-of-network facilities and doctors
  • Intensive care unit expenditures
  • Diagnostic tests
  • Rehabilitation services
Shot of a physiotherapist helping a senior man with weights

Accident insurance

Provides cash benefits for expenses that may not be fully covered by major medical insurance. Pays specific benefit amounts for: Emergency Care, Specific Injury Care, Surgical Care, Supportive Care or Hospital Care.

Disability income insurance

Offers income protection to cover monthly expenses if unable to work due to accident or injury.

Life insurance/Accidental death and dismemberment (AD&D)

Supplements existing life insurance coverage with additional protection if death or dismemberment occurs.

Cancer and critical illness

Pays a lump sum benefit at diagnosis of covered illness or procedure. Covers multiple critical illnesses including but not limited to cancer, heart attack and stroke.

Hospital confinement indemnity insurance

Hospital insurance pays a daily benefit for hospitalization due to accident or sickness.

Connect with a UNICO Advisor for more information on supplemental insurance

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