By: Lisa Henning, Executive Wellness Consultant, UNICO Midlands New Year’s Resolution…a term we are all familiar with over the years. This is the time when we renew our commitments and “make good” on our promises. Wouldn’t it be nice if we could always do the right thing all year instead of having to renew our promises! Essentially, that is what culture change is about. Businesses have changed their company culture to one where wellness is front of mind. ALL of the companies that have been successful with culture change have strong leadership! This is a slippery slope. While most business leaders are aware of the financial benefits of a wellness program and want to reap the benefits, few are truly willing to commit financially to a comprehensive program. As with most things, wellness is relational…you get what you pay for. If you purchase baggies with fold over tops, you get stale bread. If you invest in the zip close baggies, […]