September 10, 2024

Bucket Truck Safety

Bucket trucks, aka aerial lifts, allow personnel to perform work at elevated heights. Without proper safety training, equipment and situational awareness, aerial lifts can pose serious risks to operators. Read these guidelines to reduce the risk of injury and accidents.
March 5, 2024

Negligent Hiring, Retention, Supervision and Training

Employment negligence is a claim brought by an individual seeking to hold an employer liable for the damages (injury) caused by an employee. In this article, we breakdown the elements of an employment negligence claim and four categories of negligent actions.
February 2, 2024

Risk Transfer Via Contractual Agreements is Essential

Contractual requirements, litigation and the potential for extended liability are challenges the communications industry faces with more regularity, making risk management a necessity. With these challenges, it's imperative to understand the process necessary to transfer risk and reduce your operating exposures to contractors that you may hire.
February 2, 2024

Bring Your Own Device Policies

Writing a BYOD policy forces companies to think things through before they turn their employees loose with their own smartphones and tablets on the organization’s network. To make sure nothing is overlooked, get input from people across the company: HR, IT, accounting, legal – workers and executives alike.
December 4, 2023

How to Fight the Effects of Distracted Driving

Distracted driving is a huge potential problem for any company that may have employees who drive as part of their jobs. The problem of distracted driving continues to grow due to new technologies making distracted driving easier, drivers not guided by employer policies and harried workers that feel the need to work harder and faster.
December 4, 2023

Protect Your Facility From Power Surges

A power surge may only last a millisecond, but the resulting problems could easily affect your business for days, weeks or months to come. Power surges can happen anytime. Although most of us think of lightning as the main culprit of power surges, most of the time they are caused by electrical devices that require lots of power to operate.
October 9, 2023

Evaluating Tower Service Contractors

All contractors hired by your telecommunications company should be put through a screening process no matter what the task is that you are hiring them for. This is especially true of tower service contractors because of the inherent danger in their work and the usually remote places that the activity takes place.
October 5, 2023

Motor Vehicle Records (MVRs) Best Practices Guide

Multiple studies conducted on vehicle accidents have shown a direct correlation between past driving performance and future accident experience. Establishing a consistent means to evaluate MVRs for authorized drivers’ remains one of the most fundamental controls to manage fleet related exposures. 
October 4, 2023

UNITEL Advisor, Mike Reed, Honored With 2023 WTA Associate Member Award

Mike Reed, UNITEL Advisor, has received the prestigious WTA 2023 Associate Member Award at the WTA's fall conference! The Associate Member Award recognized a member who has gone above and beyond in supporting WTA and its telco membership.
July 12, 2023

NTIA Announces $42.45 Billion for High-Speed Internet Grants Through BEAD Program

The “Internet for All” initiative has been allocated $42.45 billion for high-speed internet. The National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) recently announced allocated funding to all 50 states, including the District of Columbia and five territories.