A discussion of health care reform by UNICO MIDLANDS We have seen countless articles on the subject of what employers will face in the way of penalties if they don’t follow the new federal mandates for health care reform. The following are some of the most recent issues being discussed. Submitted by Mick Sibbel Large Employer Status Only companies that meet the large employer threshold are subject to ACA’s pay or play rules. To qualify as a large employer, a company must have at least 50 full-time employees, including full-time equivalents (FTEs). To determine if a company is a large employer, aggregation rules apply for companies that are related or commonly owned. Specifically, all employees of a controlled group of businesses under Internal Revenue Code (Code) sections 414(b) or (c) or an affiliated service group under Code section 414(m) are taken into account to determine if an employer is subject to the pay or play rules. If the combined […]