November 25, 2020
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- About UNICO
- Achievements
- Announcements
- Artificial Intelligence
- Capital Markets
- Client Spotlight
- Commercial
- Community Involvement
- Contractors
- Cyber
- Education
- Employee Benefits
- Loss Control
- News
- Personal Lines
- Real Men Wear Pink
- Risk Management
- UNICO In the News
- Upcoming Events
- Work Comp
- All
- §4980H(b)
- §4980H(b) penalties
- §4980H(b) requirements
- 2023 Best Place to Work in Lincoln
- 2023 top 10 osha violations
- 2024 Best of Omaha
- 2024 employee benefits trends
- 2024 open enrollment preparation
- 2025 best of omaha
- 2025 flexible spending arrangements
- 401K 2025
- ACA reporting
- Account Security
- ACH fraud
- Adam Johnson
- adding teen driver to insurance
- additional insured
- ADR options
- aerial lift safety
- affordability percentage
- Affordable Care Act
- Affordable Care Act reporting
- affordable coverage act
- Agent Licensing Reform
- amy hruska
- ancillary benefits programs
- Announcement
- annual driver review
- annuities
- applicable large employers
- asset management program
- associates in risk management
- attestation responsibility
- Attorney involvement in claims
- attract employees
- attractive benefits offerings
- auditing cybersecurity procedures
- auto after-market
- auto dealer
- auto industry
- auto insurance
- avoid negligent hiring claims
- avoiding coverage disputes
- background checks
- BEAD funding
- bead insurance
- BEAD Program
- Ben Kruger
- benefit trends
- benefits
- benefits advisor
- benefits communications
- benefits customization
- Benefits Education
- benefits engagement tips
- best insurance rates for teens
- Best of Omaha
- Best of Omaha Independent Insuracne Agency
- Best of Omaha Independent Insurance Agency
- best of Omaha Insurance
- best omaha insurance agency
- Best Place to Work in Lincoln
- best places to work
- best places to work 2024
- Best Practices 2021
- Best Practices 2022
- Best Practices 2024
- Best Practices Agency
- Best practices insurance
- Big “I”
- Boy Scouts
- bucket truck safety
- building
- Building safety
- business cybersecurity
- business income
- business interruption
- business preparedness
- business severe weather
- CAA Gag Clause Attestation
- California Workers' Compensation Institute
- capital insurance
- capital markets
- careers lincoln
- careers omaha
- Carly Carlson
- catastrophic losses
- causes of coverage disputes
- CDL amendments
- Certified Insurance Counselors
- certified safety professional
- certified work comp advisor
- Certified WorkComp Advisors
- Chad Ideus
- change in capacity
- changes to experience mod factor
- Charity
- Chase Keitges
- check fraud
- Chris Danielson
- Chris Senkbile
- claim advocate
- claim reserves
- claims
- claims adjuster
- Client Spotlight
- client support
- cognitive distraction
- coinsurance
- Commercial Auto
- commercial auto premiums
- commercial driver's license
- Commercial Insurance
- commercial insurance trends 2025
- Commercial Motor Vehicle
- commercial motor vehicle safety
- Commercial Property
- commercial property hail
- commercial property increase
- common contractual risk transfer tools
- common qualifying events
- communication
- communications cybersecurity
- communications industry
- communications services
- company culture
- company vehicles
- complete the attestation form
- compliance
- comprehensive risk management
- comprehensive water damage mitigation program
- computer protection
- Construction
- construction ai
- construction costs
- construction industry
- Construction industry risks
- construction lighting
- construction PPE
- Construction safety protocols
- Construction site fatalities
- construction sustainability practices
- Construction Trends
- construction trends 2024
- construction trends to watch
- Continuous Improvement
- contractor hiring
- contractor insurance
- contractors
- contractors' E&O
- contractors' E&O insurance
- contractos E&O
- contractual risk transfer
- contribution limit
- cost-sharing limits
- coverages
- coveware
- Craig Marmie
- crash risk
- creating a cybersecurity policy
- creating a safety culture
- current benefits trends
- current OSHA citation penalties
- custom benefits package
- CVSA inspection
- CVSA roadcheck
- CWCA Certification
- cyber
- cyber best practices
- cyber breach
- cyber complaints
- Cyber Coverage
- cyber crime insurance
- cyber extortion
- cyber incident
- cyber insurance
- cyber insurance checklist
- cyber insurance expectations
- cyber insurance guide
- cyber insurance premium
- cyber line increase
- cyber ransom
- cyber risk
- cyber risk assessment for business
- cyber risk management
- cyber security
- cyber security insurance
- Cybercrime Prevention
- cybersecurity
- cybersecurity best practices
- cybersecurity checklist
- D&O
- D&O premiums
- damage prevention
- Dan Mickells
- dangers of a power surge
- dash cam distracted driving
- dash cam policy
- data breach
- Data Protection
- de minimis violation
- Debbie Trusty
- debris removal
- demolition
- denied claims
- Digital Identity
- Digital Privacy
- disability insurance
- distracted driver
- distracted driving
- distracted driving accidents
- distracted driving awareness
- distracted driving awareness month
- distracted driving policy example
- distracted driving prevention tips
- distracted driving tips
- Driver qualification
- driver qualification program
- drug free policy
- drug testing
- E&O
- E&O insurance for contractors
- ease
- economic issues
- economic reality test
- effective surge protection
- electrical surge
- electronically file form 5500
- email security
- emergency evacuation plan
- employee attraction and retention
- employee benefits
- employee benefits 2025
- employee benefits communication
- employee benefits education
- employee benefits open enrollment
- employee benefits strategies 2025
- employee classification
- Employee Empowerment
- employee engagement
- employee handbook
- Employee injury packet
- employee or independent contractor classification
- Employee retention strategies
- employer compliance considerations
- employer coverage
- employer sponsored group health plan eligibility
- employment law
- employment practices
- epl risk
- equipment maintenance alternative
- equipment maintenance insurance
- errors and omissions
- evacuation plan
- ex mod
- excavation
- excavations
- excess and surplus markets
- excess split point
- Exchange
- executive benefits
- expansion of ACA's contraceptive mandate
- expense reimbursement fraud
- experience mod
- experience mod changes 2024
- explanation of benefits
- extra expense
- fair labor standards act
- fall protection
- Family Health Insurance
- family preparedness
- family-building benefits
- FAQs of paid sick leave
- Fatal injury rates
- fatal motor vehicle
- Fatal work injuries
- federal exchange
- fidelity insurance
- fiduciary
- fiduciary insurance
- filing a claim
- financial risk
- fines
- fire safety
- firearm insurance
- firework injury
- firework safety
- fleet management data
- fleet operators
- fleet programs
- fleets
- flood
- FMCSA driver violations
- FMCSA out-of-service order
- Foreclosure risks
- forklift
- forklift training program
- form 5500 deadline
- form 5500 extension
- form 5500 penalties
- frozen brakes
- FSA 2025
- full time
- full-time equivalents
- fully insured vs self insured
- future premium increases
- gag clause
- gag clause attestations
- gag clause prohibition requirements
- Grant Huck
- grant insurance
- ground lighting
- group benefits gretna
- group benefits lincoln
- group benefits omaha
- group benefits work reclassification
- group health plan eligibility
- Gun Liability
- hand-held devices
- hard market
- hazard communication
- hazard lighting
- Hazard Prevention
- HDHP 2025
- hdhp design
- hdhp hsa
- HDHP Limit
- Health care
- health care reform
- health coverage
- health insurance
- health insurance compliance
- health insurance exchanges
- health insurance subsidies
- Health Law
- health network options
- health plan compliance
- health plan compliance issues 2024
- health plan compliance rules
- health plans
- Health savings account
- heat injury OSHA
- help employees become safe drivers
- hgh hazard industry requirements
- high current premiums
- high deductible health plans
- high deductible health plans with health savings accounts
- high reinsurance
- high-deductible health plan
- high-hazard industries
- higher auto insurance costs
- hire safe drivers
- hired automobile liability
- hiring
- hiring tower service contractors
- Hispanic worker safety
- holding shares
- home insurance
- homeowners
- how are workers classified
- how to handle an accident
- HR
- HR advice
- HR communication strategies
- HR experts
- HR resources
- HR service
- HR services
- HSA 2025
- hsa advantages
- HSA contribution limit
- hsa contribution limits
- hsa eligibility
- HSA Limit
- hsa tax-free contribution
- human resource experts
- human resources
- ICHRA administration
- ICHRA advantages
- ICHRA benefits
- ICHRA cons
- ICHRA eligible
- ideal enrollment timeline
- Identity Theft Protection
- Identity Verification
- illness prevention OSHA
- implement a dash cam policy
- Incident Prevention
- inclusive work environment
- increase cost of construction
- increase in capacity
- increased contribution limits
- indemnity
- independent agent
- independent contractor benefits
- independent contractor rule
- Independent Insurance Agency
- independent insurance agent
- Individual Health
- Individual marketplace
- Industrial accidents
- Industry safety trends
- Information Security
- Injury and Illness Submission Expansion Requirements
- Injury management
- Injury reporting procedures
- Injury Tracking Application
- inland marine
- Insurance
- Insurance agency
- insurance broker
- insurance broker Lincoln
- Insurance claims
- insurance concerns 2023
- Insurance coverage
- insurance coverage disputes
- insurance increases
- Insurance Lincoln
- insurance market
- insurance market conditions
- insurance nebraska
- insurance omaha
- insurance premium change
- insurance premium changes
- insurance rate changes
- Insurance Regulation
- insurance technology
- Insurance Trends
- insuring teen drivers
- insuring vacant building
- insurtech
- Internal revenue code
- international roadcheck 2024
- internet for all
- internet insurance
- jack-knifing
- Jerod Vetrovsky
- job descriptions
- Joe Roberts
- Jonah Cohen
- Julie Busekist
- Justin Lewandowski
- Karla Wilson
- key employee insurance
- key person benefits
- key person disability
- Labor Department report
- Labor shortages
- lawsuits
- LeaAnn Moore
- Leadership
- leadership engagement
- Legal representation in workplace injuries
- Legislative Conference
- Liability concerns
- life insurance
- limits for 2025
- Lincoln best places to work
- lithium battery safety
- lithium-ion battery safety
- Long Term Care insurance
- long term wellness
- loss
- Loss Control
- low mileage discount
- Lynxx
- Lynxx Networks
- maintenance contracts
- managing health care costs
- manual distraction
- market outlook
- Market Reports
- market survey
- Mary Savage
- material challenges
- material transportation
- Matt Gilbert
- maximum HSA contribution limit
- medical only
- Megan Hatch
- Mick Sibbel
- Midlands Financial
- Minnesota
- Mitch Friehe
- motor vehicle exposures
- motor vehicle records
- motor vehicle safety
- motor vehicle safety policies
- Multi Factor Authentication
- MVRs for authorized drivers
- Nancy Koenig
- Nate Fisher
- NCCI Experience Modification Changes
- Neal Lyons
- Nebraska
- Nebraska Healthy Families and Workplaces Act
- nebraska law 2025
- Nebraska paid sick leave law
- Nebraska Society of CPAs
- negligent hiring
- negligent hiring claims
- negligent retention
- negligent supervision
- negligent training
- new health plan transparency requirements
- New hires
- new OSHA recordkeeping rule
- Nikki Bruns
- Noah Kulhanek
- non-insurance contract
- non-owned automobile liability
- Non-owned liability
- nonprofit
- NPRM amendments
- NSC National Safety Month Topics
- nuclear verdicts
- Occupational Health
- Occupational safety
- omaha insurance
- on-road safety data
- Online Safety
- Open Enrollment
- open enrollment communication strategy
- open enrollment period
- open enrollment preparation
- open enrollment template
- open enrollment timeline
- operational risk assessment
- operational risk management
- ordinance
- organizational growth
- OSHA citation
- OSHA compliance
- OSHA Electronic Data Submission
- OSHA electronic submission Form 300 and 301
- OSHA high hazard industries
- OSHA Injury Tracking Application
- OSHA ITA Coverage Application
- OSHA penalty schedule
- OSHA rules
- osha violations 2023
- osha violations 2024
- Outstanding CPA in Business & Industry
- over-the-road
- owner-operator insurance
- Password Security
- penalty
- Penalty Calculation
- perfect benefit package
- Permanent disability claims
- personal insurance
- personal insurance advisor
- Personal Lines
- personal protective and life-saving equipment
- personal protective equipment
- personalized and flexible benefits
- pet safety
- phishing
- Platinum Partner
- Platinum Partner agency
- PPE construction standard
- PPE regulations
- pre-employment investigation
- preferred provider organization
- premium increases
- prescription drug reporting
- preventing hail damage
- preventing water loss
- primary split point
- private client advisor
- private client advisor omaha
- private client insurance
- private client insurance lincoln
- private client insurance omaha
- private insurance
- professional growth
- promotions
- proper vehicle maintenance
- property
- property claim
- property damage
- Property inspection
- property insurance
- Property maintenance
- Property ownership responsibilities
- Property protection
- property replacement costs
- proposed overtime law
- proposed overtime rule
- protect your vacant building
- protecting commercial property
- qualified health insurance
- qualified transportation benefits
- qualifying events and required documentation
- qualifying life event checklist
- ransom payment
- ransomware
- rate fatigue
- Real estate security
- reclassification compliance requirements
- reclassification employers and group health plan
- recordkeeping and reporting rule
- reform
- regulate pharmacy benefit managers
- reinsurance supply and demand
- report phishing
- required contribution percentage
- retain employees
- Retirement
- return to work
- Return to work programs
- Ric Stoakes
- Risk Advisor
- risk analysis
- Risk Consultant
- risk management
- risk management and consulting services
- risk management machanism
- risk managment
- Risk Reduction
- risk transer
- risk transfer checklist
- roadside inspections
- Roadway Safety
- Rob Burkett
- rural broadband
- Ryan Swinton
- safe driving tips
- Safe harbor
- safely operate aerial lift devices
- safety
- safety and loss control
- Safety Awareness
- Safety Best Practices
- Safety Committee
- Safety Culture
- Safety Engagement
- safety fitness determination
- safety fitness of motor carriers
- Safety Innovation
- Safety Leadership
- safety measurement system
- safety practices
- Safety regulations
- Safety training
- sample distracted driving policy
- Sasquatch
- scope of distracted driving
- Scot Blehm
- Sean Krueger
- Seasonal property
- Section 6055 reporting
- Section 6056 reporting
- Secure Login
- self-insured health plans
- severe weather
- severe weather preparedness
- severe winter conditions
- Shane Ideus
- shareholder directors
- shareholders
- sharing risk burden
- shifting potential liability
- shipping
- show employees they are valued
- sinkhole coverage
- sinkhole insurance claim
- sinkhole insurance coverage
- sinkhole warning signs
- site-specific safety plan
- skidding
- skilled labor shortage
- Slips Trips and Falls
- small business
- small business cyber
- small business fiduciaries
- small business fiduciary insurance
- small business insurance
- small-business owner cyber
- social engineering insurance
- soft markets
- softening market
- sparkler safety
- specialty goods
- split point
- Stacey Schafer
- Steve Robeson
- storm business interruptions
- subcontractor communication
- surge protection devices
- tags: Business Insurance
- tags: Cyber Liability
- tags: Management Liability
- tags: Voluntary Benefits
- tailored benefits offerings
- talent management and leadership
- tax deductible
- Tax Liability
- Tax reform
- Team Collaboration
- technology
- technology shifts
- teen driver safety
- telecom
- telecom industry
- telecom insurance
- Telecommunications
- telecommunications industry
- telecommunications insurance
- telecommunications lighting
- telecommunications vehicle fleets
- telematics cost benefit
- telematics insurance
- telemedicine
- Temporary disability claims
- Terrorism Insurance
- texting while driving
- threat analysis
- TMT industry
- Tom Champoux
- Tom Greco
- Tony Rasmussen
- top 10 osha violations 2024
- top brokerage
- top insurance brokers nebraska
- tornado
- tower climbers
- tower service contractors
- towing
- traditional health plans
- training
- transfer risk
- transportation and parking benefits
- transportation network security
- trench safety
- Trench Safety Stand Down Week
- trenching
- trenching and excavation
- trends in E&O insurance
- Truck Driver
- Truck Insurance
- truck telematics
- trucking cybersecurity
- Trucking Insurnace
- trust contractor
- Two Factor Authentication
- UL certified safety standards
- underinsured
- UNICO Group
- UNICO Group insurance solutions
- UNICO HR Solutions
- uninsured
- uninsured contractors
- United Fire Group
- UNITEL Assocations
- UNITEL HR Solutions
- Unitel Insurance
- updated property valuations
- US labor statistics
- User Authentication
- utility locates
- vacant building insurance
- Vacant home security
- Vacant property insurance
- value of employee benefits
- Vandalism prevention
- vehicle usage policy
- visual distraction
- Volunteer
- waiver of subrogration
- water damage
- water damage response plan
- water losses
- ways to fight cyber attack
- Weather damage
- wellness
- wellness committee
- wellness program
- what is the d-ratio
- when is contractual risk transfer used
- winter driving
- winter driving kit
- winter driving safety
- Wisconsin
- women in insurance
- work comp
- work comp experts
- work environment
- Workcomp advisor
- worker classification
- Worker protection
- Workers comp claim process
- Workers compensation best practices
- Workers compensation cost reduction
- Workers compensation costs
- workers compensation decreased
- workers compensation experts
- Workers' Compensation
- workplace emergency
- workplace emergency evacuation plan
- Workplace fatalities
- Workplace hazards
- Workplace injury communication
- Workplace injury prevention
- Workplace Safety
- Workplace safety measures
- worksite benefits
- zero damage
- zone approach surge protection
- zoning