work comp experts

November 13, 2018

Preliminary list of top ten OSHA violations includes eye and face protection for first time

Preliminary list of top ten OSHA violations includes eye and face protection for first time While the preliminary list of the Top 10 violations for Fiscal Year 2018 (Oct. 1, 2017 – Sept. 30, 2018) remains largely unchanged from 2017, there is a newcomer in tenth place. Eye and face protection surpassed electrical – wiring methods, which dropped off the top ten. Also, fall protection – training requirements, which was a newcomer last FY moved up from #9 to #8. Topping the list for the fifth year in a row is fall protection, a general requirements standard, which saw a 19.7% increase in citations from the previous FY. There was a significant increase – 25.4% – in citations related to ladders and a 30.1% increase in citations for violations of fall protection – training requirements. Overall, there was a 10.5% increase in the total number of violations. Here is the list compared with the FY 2017 figures: 1.Fall Protection – […]
June 1, 2017

FMLA and Workers’ Compensation – Common Questions Answered

FMLA and Workers’ Compensation – Common Questions Answered The federal Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) and state workers’ compensation laws may both cover an employee who suffers a serious health condition while on the job. The Department of Labor (DOL) has issued revised regulations that implement the FMLA. Though the interplay between the FMLA and workers’ compensation leaves was addressed within those regulations, a number of DOL letter rulings have also clarified the interaction of these laws. Does FMLA leave run concurrently with a workers’ compensation absence? The employee’s FMLA leave entitlement may run concurrently with a workers’ compensation absence when the injury is one that meets the criteria for a “serious health condition.” Thus, an employee could receive workers’ compensation benefits to replace lost wages, while at the same time having health benefits maintained under the FMLA. However, if appropriate, the employer must be sure to designate this leave as FMLA-qualifying leave and must give notice of the […]
September 16, 2015

How To Avoid Hiring a Work Comp Claim

One of the best ways to reduce the costs of workers’ comp claims is to avoid hiring an employee who is not fit to perform the essential functions of the job. While that may seem easier said than done, particularly in light of the many laws governing the hiring process, one tool has proven to be effective, but is underutilized. And that is the post-offer, pre-hire physical exam. Typically, this consists of a medical history questionnaire and a pre-employment physical exam. The purpose is to measure the individual’s ability to safely perform the job for which they are hired. It’s important to remember that this can only be done after a conditional offer of employment has been made and it carries with it American with Disabilities (ADA) accommodation issues if you have more than 15 employees (five in California). Also, consistency and confidentiality is critical. The exam must be required of all persons offered positions in the same job category […]
July 14, 2014

How To Avoid Hiring a Work Comp Claim

One of the best ways to reduce the costs of workers’ comp claims is to avoid hiring an employee who is not fit to perform the essential functions of the job. While that may seem easier said than done, particularly in light of the many laws governing the hiring process, one tool has proven to be effective, but is underutilized. And that is the post-offer, pre-hire physical exam. Typically, this consists of a medical history questionnaire and a pre-employment physical exam. The purpose is to measure the individual’s ability to safely perform the job for which they are hired. It’s important to remember that this can only be done after a conditional offer of employment has been made and it carries with it American with Disabilities (ADA) accommodation issues if you have more than 15 employees (five in California). Also, consistency and confidentiality is critical. The exam must be required of all persons offered positions in the same job category […]