February 12, 2018

UNITEL Client Spotlight: Lynxx

1. Brief description of your operations Lemonweir Valley Telephone Company was established in 1907 with the purpose of bringing telephone service to residents, farmers and various businesses in the rural areas of Juneau County, Wisconsin.  The company was originally named New Lisbon Mutual Telephone company.  The name was changed in 1931 to Lemonweir Valley Telephone Company.  It is a stockholder owned company with many of the stockholders’ families having owned stock for multiple generations.  Today there are more then 200 shareholders.  As the company has grown over the years, Lemonweir Valley Telephone and LVT Corp (a subsidiary of Lemonweir Valley Telephone Company) created a DBA named Lynxx Networks.  This name reflects both the local fiber network connecting its residential and business customers and the external statewide network provided by the Wisconsin Independent Network also known as WIN. Lynxx Networks provides voice, internet and television services.  Its ILEC area is covered by a state of the art fiber optic network.  As […]
December 8, 2017

Using Communications Operations to Fight Cyber Crime

Using Communications Operations to Fight Cyber Crime For those of you that have been following my newsletter in recent months, this issue (December) represents the wrap up of my 3-part series on cyber security in small business, with an emphasis on our core specialty, the independent communications industry. To recap briefly, last October we talked about the basics of cyber security for your business, the many ways you can evaluate the cyber risks that may threaten your operations as well as timely security tips. In November we looked at putting together an anti-ransomware plan, steps you can take towards better small business cyber security and a few simple ways to up your cyber protection game. Point in fact, I have published a couple of these subjects before but I chose to re-print some of them in this 3 part series for added emphasis. In this last segment of the series, we examine ways that small communications operations can fight cyber- […]
June 1, 2017

Why Do I Need Fiduciary Liability Insurance?

Fiduciary Liability Insurance What is Fiduciary Liability Insurance? Fiduciary Liability Insurance pays, on behalf of the insured, legal liability arising from claims for alleged failure to prudently act within the meaning of the Pension Reform Act of 1974. “Insured” is variously defined as a trust or employee benefit plan, any trustee, officer or employee of the trust or employee benefit plan, employer who is sole sponsor of a plan and any other individual or organization designated as a fiduciary. Group life and medical expense plans, as well as pension and retirement plans, are within the scope of the law. Two other types of coverage are related to fiduciary liability insurance. • Fidelity bonds are required by law (ERISA bonding). This is a form of insurance for dishonesty situations. When dishonest administrators or trustees have financially harmed an employee benefit plan, these bonds may be used, but only for the benefit of the plan and the plan’s beneficiaries. This bonding insurance […]
February 24, 2017

Our Latest Risk Management Newsletter

It is February already and I think I can see a hint of Spring just over the horizon. I don’t know about you but I can’t wait to get there. I am tired of cold, wind, rain and snow and I am willing to bet that you are too. As we head towards that ultimate destination, here are a couple of things to think about regarding your risk management activities. You may want to take this relatively “quiet time” to think ahead and get ready for the busy plant construction season that includes the use of contractors as they can bring a substantial amount of liability and extra costs to you. They must be “good” contractors that you have vetted completely (before hire) or else the possibility exists that they will bring you more trouble than you planned on. See my data sheet elsewhere in this issue for the full details on selecting a contractor. You will be glad you […]
October 25, 2016

Reducing the Impact of Cyber Crime

Every business handles some sort of data – on operations, products, customers, and more. That means every business stands to lose something valuable if it were to suffer a data breach. Data breaches have become increasingly common among small businesses, so it’s more important than ever to protect your business against these types of incidents. Watch the video above to learn more about cyber exposures and how to safeguard your business. If you’re looking for an expert in Cyber Insurance, UNICO Group has you covered. Give us a call to today to learn how to protect yourself from cyber crime! Content for this article was originally published by Liberty Mutual Insurance at http://passiontoprotect.libertymutualgroup.com/cyber-crime
March 30, 2016

How To Build An Effective Employee Handbook

Employee handbooks are an essential part of effective human resources (HR) management and positive employee relations. Handbooks can also play a critical role in demonstrating employment law compliance. Properly used, employee handbooks: Communicate policies and procedures. Play a key role in the orientation process for new employees. Serve as a valuable employee relations vehicle for educating current and prospective employees. Contribute to uniform and consistent application, interpretation, and enforcement of company policies. Protect against claims of improper employer conduct and employee lawsuits. While carefully drafted employee handbooks can be an important part of employee relations media, handbooks that are unskillfully or improperly drafted can create organizational and legal headaches. Employers must carefully review every policy and procedure in a handbook to minimize potential contract claims and be prepared to update them periodically. Since employee handbooks are not required by law, organizations may determine the best method and most effective means to communicate important HR-related information to their employees. Factors that affect an organization’s need for a written […]
March 23, 2016

The Key to Long Term Wellness Culture

Lisa Henning, Executive Wellness Consultant, UNICO Midlands: New Year’s Resolution…a term we are all familiar with over the years.  This is the time when we renew our commitments and “make good” on our promises.  Wouldn’t it be nice if we could always do the right thing all year instead of having to renew our promises!  Essentially, that is what culture change is about.  Businesses have changed their company culture to one where wellness is front of mind.  ALL of the companies that have been successful with culture change have strong leadership! This is a slippery slope.  While most business leaders are aware of the financial benefits of a wellness program and want to reap the benefits, few are truly willing to commit financially to a comprehensive program.  As with most things, wellness is relational…you get what you pay for.  If you purchase baggies with fold over tops, you get stale bread. If you invest in the zip close baggies, your […]
March 16, 2016

Major Issues Facing the Workers’ Compensation Industry

Each year, the National Council on Compensation Insurance, Inc. publishes a report that examines some of the major issues affecting the industry. It is a compilation of articles by industry specialists that offer valuable insights into Workers’ Compensation issues facing employers and other stakeholders. Here is a brief overview of what you will find: I. Industry Outlook An article by Stephen J. Klingel, CPCU, WCP, president and chief executive officer of NCCI is cautious about expressing a positive industry outlook for the months ahead. “While most indicators show continued improvement, it’s important to note that the combined ratio remains too high, and achieving an adequate return remains a challenge. These factors, along with the overhanging shadow of the potential loss of the terrorism backstop, add a note of caution to what might otherwise be a relatively optimistic outlook.” Peter M. Burton, CPCU, AU NCCI Senior Division Executive, State Relations gives a snapshot view of the legislative and regulatory outlook for […]
March 9, 2016

HR Tip: Mindfulness Replacing Multitasking

One of the buzzwords of the hour is “mindfulness” – being focused and fully present in the here and now. Employers such as Google and General Mills offer classes on it, as do several prominent business schools. Proponents argue that substituting mindfulness for multitasking reduces stress and increases productivity. The barrage of information and demands from digital and non-digital resources is endless. It’s easy to see the relationship to safety and accidents; a worker who trips and falls while talking on a cell phone can be a costly injury. Neurologist Dr. Romie Mushtaq says the physiological benefits of clearing away distractions and living in the moment have been documented in many scientific and medical studies. Mindfulness enhances the brain’s efficiency, creativity and sharpness, whereas multitasking depresses the brain’s memory and analytical functions and reduces blood flow to the part of the right temporal lobe, which contributes to creative thinking. She offers these tips for practicing mindfulness in a multitasking world: […]
February 24, 2016

The Who, What, & Why of Cyber Liability

Who Needs Cyber Liability Coverage? Any communications company engaged in providing computer services, Internet services or those companies using the Internet in its everyday course of business. What Activities Create Cyber Risk? Use of Email Support of Webmail  Internet Service Providers Dependence on Network Services Electronic Storage of Customer Information Storage of Third-Party Trade Secrets  and Data On-Line Advertising and Marketing Web Site Design, Development & Ecommerce Web Site Activities (Content, Links) E-Commerce E-Brochures/E-Catalogs E-Bill Payment Internet/Digital Media Electronic Bulletin Boards or Social Interaction Why Does My Customer Need Cyber Coverage? A General Liability policy will cover a physical injury to tangible property. Information is not tangible property. A General Liability policy also excludes electronic data. Claim Examples: Trademark Liability ISPs are liable for their own activities that constitute trademark infringement. As a result, if an ISP were to advertise their services under a trademark that is confusingly similar to a mark of another party (such as Netcomp, IBMLink, or CompuService), they would be exposed to […]
February 10, 2016

Common HR Mistakes Made By Smaller Companies

What Types of Mistakes Do Small Businesses Make Regarding Human Resources? Dealing with human resource issues can be challenging at times for any company but especially smaller companies. Quite often, smaller companies just don’t have the expertise or resources when it comes to making sure mistakes aren’t being made when it comes to handling employees. Management and business owners are focused on growth, customer relations, and being as profitability as possible. HR mistakes can cost companies a lot of money and many don’t realize they aren’t compliant or unaware what HR laws apply to them. It’s important that you make sure you avoid these common mistakes which can cost you a lot of time and money if they aren’t addressed properly. 1. Not Having An Employee Handbook – Employee handbooks are important for small companies too. A small business owner may not see a need for one to exist there are many reasons why one should. The employee handbook communicates […]
January 27, 2016

HR Solutions – Employee Pay and Salary Benchmarking Tools

Question: One of my best employees is asking for a raise because he found salary data on the Internet that he believes shows he is underpaid. How should I handle the conversation? I don’t want to lose him, but I am skeptical that he is underpaid. Answer: Handling this type of discussion on such a sensitive subject can be difficult, but it also provides an excellent opportunity for a conversation with the employee about his professional needs while you get direct feedback about his view of his job and the company. Consider this approach: Involve the employee’s manager in the discussion and have him or her lead the conversation with the employee. Treat his concerns with respect and schedule time with him to discuss his issues. He may have been searching the Internet for jobs as well as salary information. Let him know that he is valuable to the company and you want to hear his concerns and review the […]
January 20, 2016

The Importance Of Employee Handbooks

Question: What is the benefit of investing in the creation of an employee handbook? Answer: A handbook sets expectations and general guidelines for employees to operate under, promotes treating employees with fair and consistent practices, outlines employee benefits, and helps defend unemployment claims and lawsuits. Providing a well-drafted and complete handbook permits management to operate efficiently in determining proper steps and actions to take with employees in handling a variety of topics from attendance, leave, performance concerns, and disciplinary action including terminations. When a company invests in the creation and distribution of a handbook, the company empowers the workforce to operate within the guidelines stated, setting rules and processes that define the how, why, and who to go to that will inevitably become a backdrop to defending any allegations of wrong doing when drafted and followed carefully. The return on investment (ROI) of the employee handbook is unmeasurable; it can provide support in the defense of a legal suit, minimize […]